I wanted my marriage to work, but it didn't.
I don't know if I'm built for marriage.
Marriage, as an institution, is as dead as the dodo bird.
My father was very big on marriage.
I'll always be sad that my marriage ended.
'The Economist' is a biased organization.
It is the uninvolved parent who has to resort to strictness.
You're not always able to choose.
There's no such thing as a 100-year flood.
I haven't lost my head yet.
I'm very big on focus.
I'm very bullish on the streetcar.
Yes, I've always been fashion conscious.
I don't really think in terms of goals.
I am so blessed and lucky.
There are no more worlds to conquer!
My greetings to you, my Germany.
To the victors belong the spoils.
Unplanned pregnancy is an equal-opportunity affliction.
My first album was completed in three months.
Cuando estás fatal es cuando intentan pillarte.