You cannot deal with a city if it's not socially integrated.
If a nation's literature declines, the nation atrophies and decays.
You know in the West they support realistic forces.
We are making gods out of global celebrities.
It sucks. I used to be governor of New York.
Without Greece, it is not possible to preserve the integrity of the European phenomenon.
It is the spirit and not the form of law that keeps justice alive.
I have not only Arms but a large proportion of Armourers to make.
A pension is nothing more than deferred compensation.
Cops on the beat can stop problems before the damage spreads.
I'm really concerned that too-big-to-fail has become too-big-for-trial.
The core of my career is my teaching and my writing.
You have to remember: what are incomes to banks are outgoes to families.
We have a country that is in a very delicate situation.
Balancing your money is the key to having enough.
To be clever in argument is not rationality but rationalization.
It is better to die on your feet than to live on your knees.
I'm not a registered Republican or Democrat. I don't even vote.
The Constitution has not greatly bothered any wartime President.
I am not a communist and neither is the revolutionary movement.
How can we help President Obama?