Entertainment is such a non-reality.
The P's of life:Passion, Persistence, Perseverance.
I'm not a big crier.
The business of America is business.
Chess is changing. I hope chess is getting more popular, more spectacular.
I don't look good in beige.
It's always good to be working.
I'm a really good juggler.
A smart model is a good model.
A government shutdown is inexcusable.
Never floss with a stranger.
Gene Wilder is so funny.
It's funny to be a critic.
I have an unfortunate personality.
All that counts in life is intention.
Patience is a virtue not a vice.
It's a blip, not a catastrophe.
To live is to die.
Life is but a dream for the dead.
I'm not on any crusade.
Washington's a cesspool of money.