At the end of 1964, wholesale prices had been relatively stable for some years.
Gender injustice is a social impairment and therefore has to be corrected in social attitudes and behaviour.
I figure I'll be champ for about ten years and then I'll let my brother take over - like the Kennedys down in Washington.
The name Firefox is not part of the open source licence, and that's why it's important to us.
Im a soulless lawyer. Give me any opinion and I can argue it.
The slogan of the moderate Republican Party is this: we are rich, and we are not going to take it any more.
Rhetorically, President Obama is a champion of bipartisanship. In practice, though, he is almost always its enemy.
My visit this autumn is an opportunity to continue that rich tradition of visits between Canterbury and Rome.
I think that Congress' ability to reason is fully equal to that of the judiciary.
Aku tidak pernah keberatan menunggu siapa pun berapa lama pun selama aku mencintainya" (dalam cerpen Linguae, Linguae, Gramedia, 2007)
And in that confirmation process, I sat for 17 hours in front of a senate judiciary committee.
Ultimately, the question of campaign contributions will be decided by the public.
I think people have a vague sense that the television system is changing.
We gained his operational capabilities and he gained our marketing skills.
Sometimes we tend to focus more on the personalities and the conflicts, and it really caricatures the issues.
It's up to Kim Jong Il to make that decision, and we can't make that for him.
'Misty of Chincoteague', 'The Black Stallion', the 'Saddle Club' books, I read 'em all. I was horse-crazy.
After a couple years of occasional lessons with Pass I moved to Boston to attend the New England Conservatory.
Working together, they will dig out the truth and nothing but the truth about what happened in '99, to assign responsibility, and to look at the institutional failings.
In truth, every American administration since that of Franklin D. Roosevelt has maintained close ties with the Saudi rulers, and for a single, simple reason: oil.
Truth be told, except for foreign policy, Ron Paul's voting record and mine are virtually identical and I wear it as a badge of honor.