I hit a grand slam off Ron Herbel and when his manager Herman Franks came out to get him, he was bringing Herbel's suitcase.
Of course I want to take the last shot, let's be quite frank: I've been doing for nine years already, and I've made a ton of them.
Frank Miller is more of a visionary than any director I've ever worked with, and he achieves that vision better than anyone I've ever worked with.
You go into the disease as one person and come out of it as a different person. It has changed my perspective on everything. Things that used to upset me no longer do.
As far as my favorite songs to perform live, most of the songs we did live were my favorite. If they weren't, I would have gotten rid of them.
I didn't want the Ramones being told what to be doing, and I wanted the Ramones being presented in the right light - the remaining Ramones.
I have an amp that doesn't have a master volume. It sounds awesome, but we just can't get an appropriate decibel level out of it.
People would be surprised at how much of an electronic dude I am, and I like new wave, post-punk and proto-punk stuff.
A lot of my friends were gay, so I was spat on on the bus daily, and I ended up in hospital a couple of times from being beaten up so badly.
I have an ElliptiGO. It's a standup bicycle. You don't pedal; you stride on it. It allows me to have the same striding motion as running without the impact.
I do a lot of marathons as training runs. If I'm somewhere and there's a marathon, I'll sign up and just go run it.
I have my whole office set-up at waist level; I don't sit at all during the day. Sitting, to me, is the devil.
Run when you can, walk if you have to, crawl if you must; just never give up.
Chicago is an exciting place which renews itself. The workshop system encourages close reading and frank discussions of papers and ideas.
The band set up in January and just started rehearsing. If there was a song, we'd just rehearse it as a band, and it would get arranged as a band, and it got changed around a lot.
Dot Hacker, to me, sounds like a collection of all my tastes. I hear four people trying to fill up as much space as they can.
It's not a sign of creativity to have sixty-five ideas for one problem. It's just a waste of energy.
If I don't have anything to sacrifice, I don't have anything to gain. From the Bible I have learned if you want something good, you must sacrifice.
It was a wild time - a time that I don't miss anymore. But then again, I'm 62 years old now and I think that lifestyle would probably put me where Frank's at now.
I think that the training of architects allows you to see what will happen ten years ahead of time, or twenty. It's not guessing, it's not intuitive, it's based on research - and we may be wrong.
Frank Abagnale Jr.: Ah, people only know what you tell them, Carl.