For a band like us tracklisting is a massive, massive task.
Youth is a quality, not a matter of circumstances.
However long the song is was how long it took us to write it.
This continent, an open palm spread frank before the sky.
It blows my mind the way Frank Miller can write.
The worst injury I ever had was a stress fracture from running.
In Europe, they're more demanding, the ones that rent the build ings.
We didn't sell a lot of records, but somehow we left an impression.
I think that things happen for a reason.
A lot of ultramarathoners are soloists. They're single and live lives off the grid.
Any goal worth achieving involves an element of risk.
[repeated line] Frank Booth: Now it's dark...
Frank Booth: The candy-colored clown they call the Sandman.
[looking at Jeffrey] Frank Booth: You're like me.
You can't stumble upon something new and wonderful if you don't have time to stumble.
Every time I go out and race it's a goal to go out and run faster than I've done before.
There's always going to be somebody who takes a dislike to you and you can't waste time worrying about it.
And I also trust that there's more than one way to do something.
You don't have to sort of enhance reality. There is nothing stranger than truth.
Frank: I've been watching you.
Frank: Have you ever seen a portal?