Herbs deserve to be used much more liberally.
The differences between a tart, a pie and a quiche are a blur.
I don't do guilt. Whatever I do, I do it happily.
Brussels sprouts are really quite versatile.
I can't stand recipes that don't have background.
Seasonality in winter doesn't have to mean sleep-inducing, stew-like, starchy casseroles.
Recipes can be incredibly vague where chillies are concerned.
Souffles don't deserve their reputation as potential disasters.
I always pan-fry sprouts - it retains texture and enhances flavour.
I like to add something unusual to a dish.
I have an obsession for quality. I work for my guests, not to obtain Michelin stars.
Executive ability is deciding quickly and getting somebody else to do the work.
I got my Nobel Prize for my lab work.
One must work; one must work. I have done what I could.
A writer writes. Period. No matter if someone is buying your work or not.
Stan and I funded the first phase of the work ourselves. It was secret.
Luck is a dividend of sweat. The more you sweat, the luckier you get.
Creativity is a highfalutin word for the work I have to do between now and Tuesday.
We are very fortunate to be recognized here in such an extraordinary manner for work that we enjoy.
I was one who liked to work with my hands as well as my brain.
Marinating chicken in miso adds lots of character to the meat with little work.