The fox falls into the trap only once.
A fox is not caught twice in the same snare.
In the end, all foxes meet at the furrier's.
Nothing falls into the mouth of a sleeping fox.
Over and over again-in the movie, I have nine different people who have worked for Fox News network who have come forward and talked on camera, three of them anonymously, by the way.
If only Coca-Cola had had the kind of message to accompany its addictive deliciousness that Fox News has, we'd all be speaking Cokelish today.
I was a Great Society liberal on domestic issues. People ask me, 'How do you go from Walter Mondale to Fox News?' The answer is, 'I was young once.' End of answer.
If people don't know who you are, they're not going to listen to your message. And not everybody pays attention to politicians by watching Fox News and CNN.
The Republicans here in Concord and down in Washington D.C. would have us believe that the War on Women is a phony war. Michele Bachmann and Fox News would have us believe that the whole thing is 'political fiction.'
Everyone got behind Fox, the name the guys had dubbed the red truck. "Fox?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. "Yeah," Isaac said with a grin. "Our truck is hot, like Megan Fox.
Horseman: [saluting] View halloo! Horse: [also saluting] Oh, yes, definitely. A view halloo. Fox: View halloo? [the horseman blows his bugle and the others pursue the fox] Fox: Faith and begora, 'tis them Redcoats again!
Words both written and read are my passion.
Bud Fox: Hi, Marv. Marv: [sarcastically] Oh, hi. Say, why don't YOU get the hell out of MY office! Bud Fox: I know I've been a bit of a schmuck lately and I just want to apologize. Marv: You've been a *real* schmuck lately. So go thou and sin no more...
[concerning the memory cloth] Bruce Wayne: Too expensive for the Army? Lucius Fox: I don't think they tried to market it to the billionaire, spelunking, BASE-jumping crowd. Bruce Wayne: Look, Mr. Fox. Lucius Fox: Yes, sir? Bruce Wayne: If you're unco...
What the lion cannot manage to do the fox can.
When the fox preaches, look to your geese.
Hunger will lead a fox out of the forest.
A sleeping fox counts chicken in his dreams.
With foxes we must play the fox.
Ash: What's that white stuff around his mouth? Kylie: I think he eats soap. Mr. Fox: That's not soap. Kylie: Wha- why does he have that... Mr. Fox: He's rabid. With rabies.
The fox will catch you with cunning, and the wolf with courage.