Angel, a crowd of millions couldn’t hide you from me. I found you once. I’ll always find you.
Entwined with YouHeaven can be found in the most unlikely corners.
The Five People You Meet in Heaven - Meniti BianglalaHave you never picked up a book you've read before, and found it speaks to you in a new way?
The Forbidden LibraryI want to feel the victory of being desired by someone I once found desirable.
The Girl of Fire and ThornsEven then I found the word fitting, soothing. Fireflies. Fire flies. Fire, fly.
The Girl from the WellThey had long ago found out that one could not be an owner unless one were cold.
The Grapes of WrathHe found that it was easy to make a heroic gesture, but hard to abide by its results.
Of Human BondageLa mia esistenza è stata un catalogo di cose perdute e ritrovate. Ma forse è così per tutti
The Book of Lost and FoundHappiness is a mysterious thing, to be found somewhere between too little and too much.
A Book of Simple Living