Two weaklings conquered the fort.
As a child, I always enjoyed building forts by stringing up bed sheets and clothes. I continue to be inspired by makeshift structures, including my own kids' forts and temporary architecture of all sorts.
Fort Leavenworth is in fact no fort, being without defensive works, except two block-houses.
Grant was something rare in that or any war. He could learn from experience.
Even Jesus, three days, died. Who is strong doesn't make the strong. (Même Jésus, trois jours, est mort. Qui est fort ne fait le fort)
On Lee as commander: "He had a cheerful dignity and could praise them (his men) without seeming to court their favor.
Not married until 33, Abraham Lincoln said, "A woman is the only thing I am afraid of that cannot hurt me.
Yeah, I just don't break. I don't. And there's only one person I know who's a better non-breaker than me, and that's Will Forte from 'SNL.' You can not make that guy break. I'll break eventually - Will Forte will never break.
We have more to fear from the opinions of our friends than the bayonets of our enemies." Politician turned Union General Nathaniel Banks, in plea he couldn't abandon an untenable position.
He is the kind of person I should expect to rescue one from a mad dog at any risk but then insist on a stoical indifference to the fright afterward." Jefferson Davis's future wife describing him at first meeting.
Yes, anally retentive men are my forte!
Fashion was never my forte.
Bricks could be used to fill Fort Knox. I know, I know. You’re probably thinking, if we fill Fort Knox with bricks, where will we keep all the gold that’s kept there? I still need to get precise measurements, and move all my clothes, but I think ...
Sobre a nudez forte da verdade -- o manto diáfono da fantasia.
You can cry until there's nothing wet left in you. You can scream and curse until your throat rebels and ruptures. You can pray all you want, to whatever god you think will listen, and still it makes no difference. It goes on with no sign as to when ...
Lime: Computers are my forte!
Fortitude is the marshal of thought, the armor of the will, and the fort of reason.
A visitor asked Lincoln what good news he could take home from an audience with the august executive. The president spun a story about a machine that baffled a chess champion by beating him thrice. The stunned champ cried while inspecting the machine...
Não vou ficar para aqui a desejar uma vida perfeita. As coisas que nos derrubam na vida são testes, e esses testes obrigam-nos a escolher entre desistir, ficar caídos no chão ou sacudir a poeira e levantarmo-nos ainda mais fortes e firmes. Eu esc...
aquele que quer responder às injúrias com o ódio vive na tristeza ou na mágoa, aquele que quer vencer o ódio com o amor combate alegremente e sem temor. Triunfa tanto sobre um grande número de inimigos quanto sobre um único, prescindindo de to...
Chiunque voglia sinceramente la verità è sempre spaventosamente forte.