If Germany, thanks to Hitler and his successors, were to enslave the European nations and destroy most of the treasures of their past, future historians would certainly pronounce that she had civilized Europe.
Let them look to the past, but let them also look to the future; let them look to the land of their ancestors, but let them look also to the land of their children.
Time past, present, and to come, as also depth and height, near and afar off, are all one in God, one comprehensibility.
Success in past U.S. conflicts has not been strictly the result of military leadership but rather the judgment of the president in choosing generals and setting broad strategy.
For books are more than books, they are the life, the very heart and core of ages past, the reason why men worked and died, the essence and quintessence of their lives.
What a man has made himself he will be; his state is the result of his past life, and his heaven or hell is in himself.
I don't really believe in regret. I think you can always learn from the past, but I wouldn't want a different life.
My school days were the happiest days of my life; which should give you some indication of the misery I've endured over the past twenty-five years.
I think there's an anxiety in life where we automatically tend to look to the next thing or we're complaining about the past. Worrying is not going to make it happen or not happen.
Drones can be a highly effective way of dealing with high-priority targets, but they should not become the drug of choice for an administration that is afraid to use successful, legal and safe tactics of the past.
I love the smell of shampoo on a girl's hair. You can walk past someone and be like, 'Wow, you took a shower this morning, didn't you? Because you smell lovely.'
Before you ask God for more blessings, try to first thank Him for all your past and present blessings in your life.
Think about your past victories, and then look into the eye of your current obstacle and tell it that it will soon lose like your defeated obstacles.
Refusing to focus on your past disappointments creates a great opportunity for you to give an undivided attention to your present.
The beauty of the present and the future can only be seen by those who are willing to let go of the past.
To move in the forward direction is to be strong and positive enough to bury every negative experience in the past.
Never permit your negative past to come in-between you and the possibilities and opportunities that lie in your present and future.
Maybe I don't take myself so seriously any more. And I don't care how I'm judged. I'm past all that.
Well, to me, my past accomplishments weren't crazy. They required a lot of skill and careful planning.
There was not a moving up into vacated places; there was simply an anachronistic staying on between a vanishing past and an incalculable future.
Writers are historians, too. It is in literature that the greater truths about a people and their past are found.