Mistakes from the past can never be repaired. Do your best in the present, to be a good person in the future.
The degree to which the psychiatric community is complicit with abusive parents in drugging non-compliant children is a war crime across the generations, and there will be a Nuremberg at some point in the future
The entire Nazi war machine was only possible because of past, present and future violations of the non aggression principle (achievable only through government).
I think the rising and falling popularity of areas like hard SF and far-future SF is, to a considerable extent, the same as any other fashion.
If anybody tries to penetrate the past with the knife of the present will always act in vain. The past is invulnerable. Such attempts can only cause the present or the future to bleed." - Gregor Brand
Mayhap it was not wise to question God's plans; mayhap he had been meant to live, to seek this justice, to serve some purpose. The past was the past. And the future...
Greeders who plunder and steal from their people - not only steal their supporters and their childrens' future, but they also smash their mindsets and create learned helplessness that ensures people stay small.
The political Greeders mindset wastes resources that could transform the future of tens of millions of people and the destinies of the countries. We need to rethink Leadership and politics.
I predict future happiness for Americans, if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.
I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them. -Thomas Jefferson
Ben Says: The more we educate & empower our children...the better & greater the future of humanity will be! Let's start today. Timothy Pina Bullying Ben
There are three kinds of big endings: Revenge. Tragedy. Forgiveness. Revenge and Tragedy often happen together. Forgiveness unblocks the future." (p.225)
It is possible to reclaim your future, to build a happy life despite an imperfect past. We can order the universe to our will and mind.
The future is always unknown. Live your own life. Live in the moment. Live so well in the present, so that when tomorrow never comes, you may have no regrets.
If one could always predict the future, this person would soon be the saddest being on earth, for it cannot be surprised nor could it stop thinking of making a difference.
Learn how to think a few moves ahead at once. In life, if you can anticipate the human mind, you can anticipate all possible futures.
Actions without a dream serve you no purpose, Dreams without action merely pass the time, however, a Dream set into motion….the future has no boundaries.
Will my future faith be dominated by past demons? Will my unlimited possibilities give way to my limited territory?" Read more in A Daughter's Worth Novel
Every future we imagine is transformed inexorably into a part of our children's understanding of their past, of the assumptions their parents and grandparents could not help but make. The Killer Hook
My future starts when I wake up every morning. Every day I find something creative to do with my life.
Teenagers blithely skip off to uncertain futures, while their parents sit weeping curbside in the Volvo, because the adolescent brain isn't yet formed enough to recognize and evaluate risk.