Turning God into some kind of celestial insurance policy is just mental.
You want to keep intelligence separate from policy.
But the same intelligence compels Germany to practise the same policy.
When the policy is controversial, you have to go out and defend it.
The Philippines has no policy that demands sacrifice of human lives.
There's a policy now of opening the doors to the outside world.
This economy is not getting better and the president's policies are the reason.
There are lots of other issues in policy including the stem cell issue.
The president deserves someone who can block for his policies.
There's always cause for concern if bad policies are pursued.
Politicians are so detested. And the main cause is not policy; it's the fact that there is no trust.
We have to keep up the fight for evidence-based science and policy.
The military wants a system that protects its policies and privileges.
In America, disagreement with the policies of the government does not necessitate a lack of patriotism!
I will work for energy policies that recognize oil won't last forever.
From the moment this war began, there was, for this state, only one policy possible, neutrality.
Be thankful you're an American as we treat foreigners a lot worse.
I'm not afraid to look like a big, hairy, smelly, foreign devil in Tokyo, though I do my best not to, I really do.
If you're feeling insecure and you need to feel special, the best place to go is somewhere foreign where people treat you as special because you're different.
I like boys. I am not foreign; I was born and raised in Hickory County, Mo.
South Africa's increasingly, for example, the largest foreign investor in various other parts of Africa.