We have most of the software industry running Autonomy.
Do what you want to do. Do what you like to do.
When Netscape failed, it didn't mean the Internet was over.
I don't think there's anything wrong with being paternalistic as a company.
One person really can make a difference.
CBS is the largest out-of-home advertising company in the U.S.
I don't like paying taxes, but I like sleeping at night.
To me, it's the White House and always will be.
I enjoy not being a public company.
Nobody has a bigger cult than Warren Buffett.
But still try for who knows what is possible!
Whatsoever things common to man, that man has done, man can do.
Progress is the attraction that moves humanity.
The leader of the market today may not necessarily be the leader tomorrow.
I look three to five years ahead, not 10 years behind.
ObamaCare is working. I talk to a lot of CEOs of hospitals. It is working.
The single most important top-level trend is the shift to mobile.
Will the social networking phenomenon lessen? I don't think so.
For me, open source is a moral thing.
For WordPress to be world class, it needs to have a sustainable model.
Occasionally, if I'm in a rut, I find changing location helps.