The winner of the elections which saw the participation of almsot 30 million people was the Iranian nation and the losers were those who tried to keep people away from the polls.
If I play my cards right, I could bring network wrestling back to TV. Unfortunately, to most people, wrestling is a laughingstock. But fortunately, I'm reaching people who otherwise wouldn't watch it.
When I was younger, I used to hate Germany. I hated the country, the people, the language, the culture, everything! But over the years I've grown to really appreciate the German people.
I have been free for more than a month. Some people may think that that is long enough. Others may think that that is not quite long enough.
Let's get one thing clear, there may be few or many successful people in your profession, but there is going to be only one hero in that profession.
It wasn't until the movie came out that it all changed for us. Some people say it was the start of Ten Years After, but in another way, it was the beginning of the end.
No one is more sentimentalized in America than mothers on Mother's Day, but no one is more often blamed for the culture's bad people and behavior.
I don't take myself as seriously as some people think, and I'd hate anyone to think I was preaching. That's the last thing I want.
We are here predominantly to support independent filmmakers and their needs. We are also here to assist people actually in their production, non-commercial people in their production.
I am lonely, yet not everybody will do. I don’t know why, some people fill the gaps and others emphasize my loneliness.
People had this idea about becoming rock stars packing stadiums instead of having the goal of becoming what musicians used to be in terms of how they would perform and connect people.
Life is about trusting your feelings and taking chances, losing and finding happiness, appreciating the memories, learning from the past, and realizing people change.
If somebody's looking at pictures of naked people and you go, 'Oh I don't want to see that,' you're lying. Cause naked people are always interesting. Always. Whether they're beautiful, or naked or 500 pounds.
I don't worry about gaining weight. I'm fortunate in that I've never had to worry about that. Some people eat when they are stressed. I don't eat enough.
Prices don't merely reflect what people think things ought to cost today; they also reflect what people expect items to cost tomorrow.
I have never been able to see myself as fitting into one category, and I have never been able to limit my contact with people to one group of people.
I'm paranoid about shopping. I get irritable. I find it tedious and taxing. People say shopping is retail therapy, but I need therapy after shopping.
No matter what people say, your fans are the ones that come to watch the movie or come to your shows and that's the most important thing.
But my message to people with or without a condition is the fact that you can still do anything you set your mind to. You just have to do it in a slightly different way than other people.
When I was a kid, I believed in Santa Claus. But it was very tough because in the Dominican... there are not a lot of rich people there.
Some of those songs, you really have to bite them. You challenge yourself, you challenge the audience, you do something different. People weren't expecting it.