There's nowhere else to escape to ... Except in a wooden box, that is.
Here's some advice. Stay alive.
Anyway, it looks plenty edible to me.
Don't. Don't let's pretend when there's no one around.
Oh, and I suppose the apples ate the cheese.
Family. Couldn't live with them, couldn't run a stake through them.
The place of chess in the society is closely related to the attitude of young people towards our game.
I was really attracted to doing 'Game of Thrones' because I thought the character of Meera was absolutely amazing.
There's a lot of art and comics and movies being paid homage to by game designers.
Art is an invention of aesthetics, which in turn is an invention of philosophers... What we call art is a game.
Movement means freedom. That's what life's all about.
They suffered with his death and she - she suffered with their reaction to it.
Everyone here is insane. I am the insanest of the insane.
Jamie enjoyed solitude, but loneliness was a constant ache.
If there’s no game, isn't winning a pretty meaningless concept?
For a game, you don’t need a teacher.
The game itself is bigger than the winning.
Escape is a consumer goods like another
I play PC and Xbox games at home, and I just got a PSP as a birthday present.
It is the best feeling in the world to have a close game come down to just a couple of plays and you are able to do it.
I don't know if you could take a whole 90 minutes and say that was the best game we ever played.