When they killed him, Mother wouldn't hold her peace, so they slit her throat. I was stupid then, being only nine, and I fought to save them both. But the thorns held me tight. I've learned to appreciate thorns since. The thorns taught me the game. T...
Manfred: [to Scrat] Hey, buddy. Have you seen any humans go by here? [Scrats mimes charade game] Sid: Ooh, ooh, ooh! I love this game, I love this game! Let's see. First word... [Scrat mimes packing down snow] Sid: Stomp. No, Stamp. Manfred: Let me t...
Changing the game is a mindset.
With 'Game of Thrones,' there are no real limitations.
Life for me outweighs the game of basketball.
Hockey is a tough game.
Games have no other purpose than to please.
The integrity of the game is everything.
I love 'Game of Thrones.'
These humiliations are the essence of the game.
Tennis just a game, family is forever.
Golf is a game of endless failure and frustration.
Well, you can't trust most people in this game, period; it can be a very shady business.
Politics is not a game. It is an earnest business.
Just because you lost your last game doesn't mean you change anything.
To be a great game, one of the teams has to score first.
I love an iPad game of Scrabble.
I been in this game a long time.
Down time is not the name of the game.
Work is the thing that happens around the game time.
As long as there are games to play it is not over.