I definitely try to eat a healthy diet, but I am the first person to say I love unhealthy food. I would never tell you I don't. I love fried chicken or mac and cheese. Do I order them all the time when I'm out at restaurants? No, though I do have one...
Can you really drop up to 11 pounds from your body (and belly) in just 7 days (and keep losing it at a record pace for weeks to come)? Believe it or not…the answer is a shocking YES! (And you don’t have to starve yourself or do endless exercise�...
If you go to Singapore or Amsterdam or Seoul or Buenos Aires or Islamabad or Johannesburg or Tampa or Istanbul or Kyoto, you'll find that the people differ wildly in the way they dress, in their marriage customs, in the holidays they observe, in thei...
The greatest change we need to make is from consumption to production, even if on a small scale, in our own gardens. If only 10% of us do this, there is enough for everyone. Hence the futility of revolutionaries who have no gardens, who depend on the...
When you're missing a peice of yourself, aching, gut wrenching emptiness begins to take over. Until you find the link that completes your very soul, the feeling will never go away. Most people find a way to fill this void, material possessions, a str...
Ben Hood: Well, that's the whole point of the holidays, Paul. So you and your sister can mope around the house, and your mother and I can wait on your hand and foot, while the two of you occasionally grunt for more food from behind the hair in your f...
Sam Wilson: You must miss the good old days, huh? Steve Rogers: Well, things aren't so bad. Food's a lot better, we used to boil everything. No polio is good. Internet, so helpful. I've been reading that a lot trying to catch up.
Prawn: We trade [large alien robot suit] Prawn: for ten thousand cans Obesandjo: Give them one hundred cans Obesandjo's Lieutenant: [to Prawn] One hundred! Prawn: Yes, yes, but we take all of them now Obesandjo's Lieutenant: Get them the cat food, hu...
Fuller McCallister: What time are we going to bed? Frank McCallister: Early, we're leaving the house at 8 AM, on the button. Kate McCallister: Hey, I hope you're all drinking milk, I want to get rid of it. Kate McCallister: [to Megan who is throwing ...
[Lord Elrond arrives at Rivendell. He greets the Dwarves, speaking in Elvish] Gloin: What does he say? Does he offer us insult? Gandalf: No Master Gloin, he's offering you food. [the Dwarves quickly have a quiet discussion amongst themselves] Gloin: ...
Ahmad: Eat it now. You'll never get a chance to eat Gorme Sabzi [an Iranian food] Ahmad: in future. Unless you'll marry to a fun Iranian husband and you Fouad, an Iranian wife. Fouad: What does an Iranian woman look like? Ahmad: Like me! [Ahmad moves...
Fergus 'Fergie' Colm: Cash is brought out and stacked fifteen minutes before the van does the pick up. That is when you hit. On Monday morning, before game stands in New York, sixty thousand beers, food, merchandise. Total call; three and a half mill...
LOVE is the fuel and the strongest force that gives us LIFE, that gives us the fight to be grateful for one more day. The fuel that helps us face our fears and gives us hope and strength, a substance which allows us to continue on our long and someti...
The greatest peril of life lies in the fact that human food consists entirely of souls. All the creatures that we to kill and eat, all those that we have to strike down and destroy to make clothes for ourselves, have souls, souls that do not perish w...
Most of what presents itself to us in the marketplace as a product is in truth a web of relationships, between people, yes, but also between ourselves and all the other species on which we still depend. Eating and drinking especially implicate us in ...
Disaster is rarely as pervasive as it seems from recorded accounts. The fact of being on the record makes it appear continuous and ubiquitous whereas it is more likely to have been sporadic both in time and place. Besides, persistence of the normal i...
One day I found him amid large packages from which spilled attractive, glossy paperbacks with mythical covers. He had tried to use, as a "generator of ideas" — for we were running out of them — those works of fantastic literature, that popular ge...
. And this great and wonderful man had to die! When the mighty heart, of his mighty body, that supplied the blood to his mighty brain, burst, never again was there to fall from his eloquent lips the pearls of thought that had been so wondrously forme...
(Ezekial saw the wheel (Way up in the middle of the air -- (O Ezekial saw the wheel (Way in the middle of the air! (Now the big wheel runs by faith (And the little wheel runs by the grace of God -- (The above made up by professional hope experts, you...
For this end, we must be knit together in this work as one man, we must entertain each other in brotherly affection, we must be willing to abridge our selves of our superfluities for the supply of others' necessities. We must uphold a familiar commer...
One of the powerful functions of a library — any library — lies in its ability to take us away from worlds that are familiar and comfortable and into ones which we can neither predict nor control, to lead us down new roads whose contours and vist...