Geppetto: Now close your eyes and go to sleep. Pinocchio: Why? Geppetto: Everybody has to sleep. Figaro goes to sleep - and Cleo - and besides, tomorrow, you've got to go to school. Pinocchio: Why? Geppetto: Oh, to learn things and get smart. Pinocch...
Jack Sparrow: You know, for having such a bleak outlook on pirates you are well on your way to becoming one: sprung a man from jail, commandeered a ship of the fleet, sailed with a buccaneer crew out of Tortuga, and you're completely obsessed with tr...
Mr. Gibbs: We should drop canvas, sir. Jack Sparrow: She can hold a bit longer. Mr. Gibbs: What's in your head, Captain, that puts you in such a fine mood? Jack Sparrow: We're catching up.
Mr. Wickham: And buckles. When it comes to buckles, I'm lost. Elizabeth Bennet: Dear, oh dear. You must be the shame of the regiment. Mr. Wickham: Oh, a laughing stock! Elizabeth Bennet: What DO your superiors do with you? Mr. Wickham: Ignore me, mos...
Mrs. Bennet: Now she'll have to stay the night. Exactly as I predicted. Mr. Bennet: Good grief, woman. Your skills in the art of matchmaking are positively occult. [Mrs. Bennet giggles] Elizabeth Bennet: Though I don't think, Mama, you can reasonably...
Judge: What a way to kill someone. Cutter: They're magicians, your honor. Men who live by dressing up plain and simple truths to shock, to amaze. Judge: Even without an audience? Cutter: There was an audience. You see, this water tank was of particul...
[Olivia visits Alfred Borden in his workshop. Bernard Fallon is there too] Olivia Wenscombe: I'm here to give your show what's still missing. Alfred Borden: Yeah? What might that be? Olivia Wenscombe: Me. [Borden laughs] Alfred Borden: I was just say...
Marjane's grandmother: Listen. I don't like to preach, but here's some advice. You'll meet a lot of jerks in life. If they hurt you, remember it's because they're stupid. Don't react to their cruelty. There's nothing worse than bitterness and revenge...
Ryad: [letter to Malik] It was great getting your letter. First, I hear from you. Second, I see you've made a lot of fucking progress. You write like a pro and I'm glad. At least I served a purpose. I can tell you now, it was no piece of cake.
Thick Kevin: My theory is that you're here because it's exactly the right time for a young man like you to get to know his dad. 'Young' Carl: And? Thick Kevin: I therefore think that your dad is on this boat. And since he's definitely not me, I think...
Ahmad: When did you meet each other? Marie Brisson: In drugstore. He came to get his wife's medicines. [Ahmad sneers ] Marie Brisson: What? Ahmad: In our culture is laughing. Marie Brisson: But in our culture is mocking! [They discuss with each other...
Patrick: My turn! Let's see. Let's think... Charlie. Charlie: Truth. Patrick: How's your first relationship going? Charlie: It's so bad, that I keep fantasizing that one of us is dying of cancer, so that I don't have to break up with her.
Charlie: You got me a present? Sam: After all your help on my Penn State application? Of course I did. Open it! [Charlie opens it to see a typewriter] Charlie: I don't know what to say. Sam: You don't have to say anything.
Belloq: What a fitting end to your life's pursuits. You're about to become a permanent addition to this archaeological find. Who knows? In a thousand years, even you may be worth something. Indiana: Ha ha ha ha. [under his breath] Indiana: Son of a b...
[Upon opening the Well of the Souls and peering down] Sallah: Indy, why does the floor move? Indiana: Give me your torch. [Indy takes the torch and drops it in] Indiana: Snakes. Why'd it have to be snakes? Sallah: Asps... very dangerous. You go first...
General Hummel: Hey, girls? You havin' a good time? Little Girl: Yeah. General Hummel: Will you do something for me? It's really - It's really important. I need you to tell your teacher that you need to get back on the boat and go home right now.
Joe: He was the only one I wasn't 100% on. I should have my fuckin' head examined, going on a plan like this when I wasn't 100%. Mr. White: [shouting] That's your proof? Joe: You don't need proof when you have instinct.
[the General mentions Princess Ann's duty] Princess Ann: Your Excellency, I trust you will not find it necessary to use that word again. Were I not completely aware of my duty to my family and to my country, I would not have come back tonight... or i...
Mr. Fallon: Your honor... Judge Raines: [interrupts] Shut up! [long pause] Judge Raines: I'm serious. I want you to shut up Mr. Fallon. This is not going well for you, you hear me? Shut up. Mr. Fallon: Yes... shut up.
Michael Sullivan: He murdered Annie and Peter! John Rooney: There are only murderers in this room! Michael! Open your eyes! This is the life we chose, the life we lead. And there is only one guarantee: none of us will see heaven. Michael Sullivan: Mi...
Eli: I'm worried about you, Richie. Richie: Why? Eli: Well, actually, Margot is, for some reason. But I did find it odd when you said you were in love with her. She's married you know. Richie: Yeah. Eli: And she's your sister. Richie: Adopted.