I really just followed my musical instincts every step of my life.
Joan organizes our social life, and on weekends I follow her around.
I try to live my life, do what I want, and just let everything else follow along.
I love the way dates in a text make us think that truth will follow.
There were many, many other 'Django' films following mine, with other actors and directors, but there is only one 'Django.'
People who are different are beautiful. Those who follow society are boring.
In following their line through, and those of Plantagenet and Tudor, there is but little to soothe the mind.
A leader is a person you will follow to a place you wouldn't go by yourself.
When the E.U. and the U.S. agree, other countries follow.
if you follow me, you must be spinning round, because i have not destination.
Followers can't give new ideas and never be a leader.
I stayed on my own path and did not follow the herd. I made a way for myself.
The mysterious is always attractive. People will always follow a vail.
Because of the Chinese culture of obedience, you don't ask questions... You follow and obey.
Doctors have an ethical duty to follow the practices and standards of care.
Discipline is giving yourself a command and following it up with action
I emphasise the following: don't, whatever happens, be anyone but yourself. Don't act anyone else-that would be fatal.
Twilight, a timid, fawn, went glimmering by, and Night, the dark-blue hunter, followed fast.
On the personal level, the people that follow you on Twitter are always nice to hear from.
When it comes to passion, I'm not sure you have any choice but to follow.
It's good netiquette to engage our contacts, friends and followers, with pictures and updates. NetworkEtiquette.net