Your choices become your directions the moment you start to implement them. When you make choices and you don’t implement them, your choices may be the best ever, but the most useless.
See the bigger picture of yours and refuse the passport size creature that people think you are! Your nature is large; go for it. Feel free to wake up and print your bigger picture!
The greatest weapon you have, and the one that will see you through anything, is a settled determination that you will achieve your dream.
Your dream is a reality that is waiting for you to materialize. Today is a new day! Don’t let your history interfere with your destiny! Learn from your past so that it can empower your present and propel you to greatness
This is your life. Do what you want and do it often. If you don't like something, change it. If you don't like your job, quit. If you don't have enough time, stop watching TV. If you are looking for the love of your life, stop; they will be waiting f...
A man who tells you to follow him will turn his followers into his company, while a true leader who does not tell you to follow him, will sit in the company of his followers.
I'm really a scientist. I follow recipes exactly - until I decide not to. And then I'll follow something else exactly. I may decide I could turn this peach tart into a plum tart, but if I'm following a recipe, I follow it exactly.
Cobb: You create the world of the dream, you bring the subject into that dream, and they fill it with their subconscious. Ariadne: How could I ever acquire enough detail to make them think that its reality? Cobb: Well dreams, they feel real while we'...
Dye your hair, certainly. But what can you do for your face?
Convert your fans into your customers by adding value to what you do.
Hope fuels your inspirations while doubts assault your aspirations!
Quit aspiring and dreaming and start being.
Do not get lost in the flow of reality.
You must give everything to make your life as beautiful as the dreams that dance in your imagination.
Dreaming means 'rehearsing' what you see, playing it over and over in your mind until it becomes as real to you as your life right now.
No matter how hard or long the road to your dream seems, dare to consistently impress yourself with your decisions and actions.
Procrastination is definitely not your friend of your God's given destiny. It is nothing but a dream stealer.
Stay true to yourself and listen to your inner voice. It will lead you to your dream.
People will follow you when you build the character to follow through.
There’s a dream I keep having,“ Sheridan whispered into the telephone. “The dream has always been the same—until tonight.” “And what happened tonight?” asked Lil’ John. Sheridan hesitated, his words stumbling out in tentative phrases:...
The season was waning fast Our nights were growing cold at last I took her to bed with silk and song, 'Lay still, my love, I won’t be long; I must prepare my body for passion.' 'O, your body you give, but all else you ration.' 'It is because of the...