What is a personal calling? It is God's blessing, it is the path that God chose for you here on Earth. Whenever we do something that fills us with enthusiasm, we are following our legend. However, we don't all have the courage to confront our own dre...
Dreams and Happiness are...drugs. And the pain that follows is not less than a sharp knife...or a sharp-nail. It bleeds without blood. You just feel it. With every sense you have got, on every single inch of earth, in every tiny part of the minute yo...
My father always used to tell one of his dreams, because it somehow seemed of a piece with what was to follow. He believed that it was a consequence of the thing's presence in the next room. My father dreamed of blood. It was the vividness of the dre...
Following rules is, of course, the reason the dog is man's best friend is because the dog follows rules, and they actually do experiments on that, is that how well certain breeds of dogs follow rules, and how much they internalize them. And so many h...
Hope greets your desires warmly while doubts insult your efforts bitterly!
Immediate gratification is a dream killer.
My love let me be your chalice your holy grail of dreams.
You must go after your wish. As soon as you start to pursue a dream, your life wakes up and everything has meaning.
Go for your goal, be ambitious. Do what you dream, unlock your wishes.
When your thought is right, your imaginations will be colourful; you will then dream and not have nightmares!
Don’t be too quick to accept every direction from friends. Watch closely what your hear before your apply.
Your little kettle will rattle in the battle; just put it on fire. Spark your ambitions with action and thing will change. Be like a warrior!
Your attitudes, action, reactions and expectations are harboured in the power of your thoughts. Think positively and you will smile at the harvest time.
If you walk and talk with God, you will never miss the direction to your divine future. Be bold and offer your heart to be led by God.
You owe it to yourself, to refuse to surrender to obstacles that are meant to stop you from reaching far in your endeavours. Be determined that you will never be a captive of your environment.
You can become good at procrastinating your opportunities by giving flimsy excuses. But never forget that it is rather your success that you are skipping away.
Rekindle the glowing spirit for success in your heart. Refresh your mind with possibility thoughts and never give way for your passion to drink from the cup of tiredness. Be renewed in your thoughts every single day.
You are your art Your are your song You are your craft. You are all the immaculate designs of which you dream;
More than ninety-five percent of your brain activity, as you consciously read this sentence, is being used by your subconscious mind.
Let the car drive and let your heart follow.
Put your badass faces on and follow me.