Glory follows virtue as if it were its shadow.
When following time, Zero we never find.
If you follow the trend, you'll always be right behind it.
A charming woman... doesn't follow the crowd. She is herself.
Listen to the child in you and follow its innocence
Pick a star on the dark horizon and follow the light.
If Google Books is successful, others will follow.
As for me I will follow the path of the pink bunnies.
The trouble is that we follow each other terribly.
Everyone has their secrets, and there are shadows following us all.
It is an understanding with the Great Spirit or Creator that we will follow these ways.
Too many girls follow the line of least resistance but a good line is hard to resist.
Ladies are honest. They're my motivation. They know what's funny, and the dudes just follow.
The study and knowledge of the universe would somehow be lame and defective were no practical results to follow.
Success is following the pattern of life one enjoys most.
No, I wouldn't want the paparazzi ever following me in my life.
I've spent my life following my passion.
Doing a documentary is about discovering, being open, learning, and following curiosity.
Nothing great is ever accomplished by following standards.
Those who are blindly led, blindly follow.
Vision differentiates between a follower and a leader.