Most folks are as happy as they make up their minds to be.
My style is to keep folks in place who are good managers and want to win.
The folks in Mississippi are saying, 'Thank God for Texas.'
People actually perceived me with being this cat from the Bronx because I'm one of a handful of folks that was actually acting in 'Wild Style'.
It's all bullshit, folks and it's bad for ya.
I'm asking regular folks to be my super PAC.
The models for me were more the folk-rock singers of the '60s and '70s.
Growing up, we had folk records.
I love rock music, I love country music - I love all music, let's be honest!
I absolutely love American folk art, can't get enough of it.
... Paris was a city of love for unimaginative folks.
I was never really a bone fide member of the folk scene.
Folks are like plants; we all lean toward the light.
The only way to entertain some folks is to listen to them.
Folks, this government isn't too big to fail, it's too big to succeed.
Most of all, our troops from Alabama said they appreciate the care packages from folks back home.
I think they do a great job on Queer as Folk.
That's something a lot of folks don't know about me - I'm pretty darn funny.
Human folk are as a matter of fact eager to find intelligence in animals.
Folks want to be listened to, they want to be heard.
Well folks, that's about it for the show tonight.