A picture was a motionless record of motion. An arrested representation of life. A picture was the kiss of death pretending to possess immutability.
I’ve been through all this before,’ he says to his heart. “ ‘Yes, you have been through all this before,’ replies his heart. ‘But you have never been beyond it.
Jau tai esu patyręs" - skundžiasi jis savo širdžiai. "Iš tiesų tu tai patyrei", - atsako širdis. - "Bet niekada neįveikei". Karys tuomet supranta, kad pasikartojantys potyriai turi vienintelį tikslą: išmokyti to, ko jis nenori išmokti.
Michael and Gabriel- "Creatures of an unremembered beginning, born of light and sent to protect this place and live among men of free will. To comfort them in death and guide their souls to a new form." Angels
When I dance, I’m so fluid you could drink my moves. And if you sip it with your morning coffee, you’ll be light on your feet all day.
I'm in love with someone good and kind and gentle, and he's seen the darkness too, but somehow we've become each other's light.
Time often sheds light on curious circumstances. Something we thought was a crazy miscalculation may, in fact, turn out to be the key component to the winning play.
You can never miss your fate," Eleni would always say. "Even if it feels like it, it only means that your fate isn't what you thought.
I jolt up, a scream lodged in my throat. Drops of sweat roll down my forehead and my throat hurts as if I've been screaming for a long time.
Numb the dark and you numb the light.
Idrith didn’t want to go back to his cold lonely room, with all its unanswered questions. He took the glass and sat down.
Lie you easy, dream you light, And sleep you fast for aye; And luckier may you find the night Than ever you found the day.
We co-create when we reach out and touch souls. Like rays of light—where they converge—twice as bright.
She loved him, even though it was so hard to love anybody else after loving my dad. I think I knew this before she did.
You are like fire; you will burn wherever you go. If contained, channeled, you can bring light, but you will also always cast a shadow.
To those of you who are enslaved by your past, may my story set you free. For youth is innocent and its beauty is to always be cherished.
Don't loaf and invite inspiration; light out after it with a club, and if you don't get it you will nonetheless get something that looks remarkably like it." - Jack London
Some of you need a lesson in humility. While your arrogance may give you a sense of power, it may serve you better to put it aside. Those are the times you will be the light of the world.
when you pick a flower, you become so besotted in its beauty; you dare not judge how it became that way, let it be the same lesson for humans; Spread your light, not your pain.
when you pick a flower, you become so besotted in its beauty; you dare question how it got there. Let it be a lesson for humans; Spread your light, not your pain.
When someone does The wrong thing Observe them as truth Questions their actions... Those whom carry a selfish Persona will never own their truthful faults, But the one's of light will fight To make their wrongs; right.