I've always been interesting in the lighting aspect and always listened to what they were saying.
Throughout my pictures I employ a lighting which is not naturalistic.
I first saw the light in the city of Boston in the year 1857.
The dreams we dream today will be the light to the generation to come.
Walk in the light so you can see where you're going
When 'Friday Night Lights' finished, I cried for a day. I have a problem.
Remember, light and shadow never stand still.
we must bring our own light to the darkness.
My role is to be a light, shine bright and create sparks.
I watched you with all the light and darkness I have" Giorgos Seferis
You Must not keep the light for yourself, but share it with others to come.
The reality is that each movie has got to be seen in its own light.
The rom-com genre is not something that necessarily lights my jets.
Write about the beauty of rainbows and the glint of reflected light that can enlighten readers' minds.
Burn, burn, burn to become the light, to enlighten the whole world.
We see the light of our soul when we are blind with love.
Spread the light of your love through the magic of smile.
I have grown up in the bright light of America.
All your life should be seen and measured in the light of eternity.
The planet is always half light and half dark, and so are we.
I think that those elements - light and sound - are beyond democratic. They're into the creative part of life.