Wallowing was for elephants, depressing people and depressing elephants
But, like love, fire didn't last.
Men. Do they all evade as first line of defense?
I'm at the age most people are sending their kids off to college.
Iron Sisters also badass at recycling!
Nature is gendered, but not sexist.
Progress is hard on history.
In this world there is no place for sadness. No place; not one.
Sarcasm is the last refuge of the imaginatively bankrupt.
Taste is changing, style is changing, and players' abilities are changing.
I don't have a big hang-up about my body.
People think that I'm very serious.
The number one root of all illness, as we know, is stress.
In the East, the guru never calls himself a guru.
America has swerved from its ethical center.
I'm always honored to be speaking alongside Deepak Chopra.
And no one will listen to us until we listen to ourselves.
Love is what we are born with. Fear is what we learn.
You asked me who I belong to. I belong to you.
The ancients understood the regulation of power better than the regulation of liberty.
No one in my family had ever even gone to college.