I work, play and do everything in French.
As Henry Dan Piper, one of Fitzgerald's most perceptive critics, has commented, his fiction heroes "are destroyed because they attempt to fulfill themselves through their social relationships. They cannot distinguish between social values like popula...
We live and breathe words.
Morning is the best time to see movies.
Kindness don't have no boundaries.
My grandfather and I were very close.
Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it.
In the Sanghi family, there is no one who has undertaken intellectual pursuits.
We have all fallen short of the glory of God.
I've never thought intelligence was age-related.
My life is so full of sacrifices.
Painting and writing are solitary arts.
Success and money can really be quite blinding.
The bad poet is a toady mimicking nature.
A poet can survive everything but a misprint.
There is the melancholy of Europe. There is the romantic malaise. Feeling sad is almost a form of deepness.
Gay men in a very real way created my career.
A steady flame unwavering & honest
La vida es demasiado breve para ser moderado.
Where is your angel now?
Love is a contradiction... Jace to Clary