[first lines] Quick Mike: Dammit! Come a-running, lad! Delilah Fitzgerald: Stop it!
Well, visual language is another boring discussion about the nature of film.
The fundamental law of nature is to not know too much about yourself.
Deep breaths are very helpful at shallow parties.
America was based on a poetic vision. What will happen when it loses its poetry?
I am for poetry that is admired by peasant and aristocrat alike.
I look for poetry in English because it's the only language I read.
I guess I find the boundaries between poetry and prose to be somewhat permeable.
I believe poetry has very little to do with memory.
I've got too much respect for stand-ups to call myself one.
If man doesn't learn to treat the oceans and the rain forest with respect, man will become extinct.
When DVDs finally disappear, I'm going to be sad. I'll miss the commentaries.
I Love children, especially when they cry for then someone takes them away.
To fall in love you have to be in the state of mind for it to take, like a disease.
Men tend to fall in love when they feel like they are cherished or revered as the 'man' in the relationship.
Cinematography is infinite in its possibilities... much more so than music or language.
I get up in the morning, torture a typewriter until it screams, then stop.
I like having a plot; I like characters with a reason to get up in the morning.
Men are distinguished from women by their commitment to do violence rather than to be victimized by it.
Among men, sex sometimes results in intimacy; among women, intimacy sometimes results in sex.
Kinsey was six foot five, and he had this leader of men quality.