Even in a time of fiscal austerity, education is more than just an expense.
Gradual fiscal consolidation may also be stimulative in the short run.
I always believed that you can make challenging films, but they should be fiscally responsible.
Aging bodies are fiscal black holes into which you can pour endless amounts of money.
The President must stop gambling with taxpayers' money and get the country back on the path of fiscal sanity.
We can't continue to kick the can when it comes to the fiscal state of this country.
A Tory government with a decent mandate seems the only hope of tackling the fiscal catastrophe responsibly.
Fiscally I'm very conservative... others say that I'm socially moderate.
I'm still a fiscal conservative, and I'm inclined to pay down debt.
It's time for the sensible center to rise up and push for a rational approach to our fiscal challenges.
I will work to restore fiscal responsibility to our country's budget and to provide for a more robust economy.
Donors, like voters, increasingly expect candidates to exercise fiscal discipline.
Big government conservatives are spending trillions and wasting billions. Republicans are no longer the party of fiscal conservancy, but the party of runaway spending and corruption.
Restoring responsibility and accountability is essential to the economic and fiscal health of our nation.
My dad was fiscally conservative, and I was influenced by that. He didn't believe in spending more than you had because it gets you into trouble.
As a fiscal conservative, I think that our government should pay for itself.
The great thing about fiscal policy is that it has a direct impact and doesn't require you to bind the hands of future policymakers.
If we have a common currency, the main regulator for policy in the country is the fiscal policy.
For me, fiscal realism is not a betrayal of Labour values; it is the foundation by which we win the trust of the public.
Every Democrat on Capitol Hill professes to be a fiscal hawk.
With age, life becomes complex and difficult, often fraught with risk on several levels, from the practical to the fiscal.