The job of the first eight pages is not to have the reader want to throw the book at the during the first eight pages.
Drafting a constitution is only the first step. The constitution has to be granted legitimacy by open discussion and a fair, representative referendum.
My first concert makes me sound like a real old man. My very first concert was Jackie Wilson.
I wanted to be a writer first, and I struck out in the world to be a writer first, and then found stand-up as a more creative outlet, as a 3D way to be creative.
My perfect first date? Maybe a concert or a football game. That would be my ideal first date, but would the girl like it? I don't know.
The mind's first step to self-awareness must be through the body.
My first acting class was taught by a little known playwright, David Mamet, who then cast me in my first play, opposite John Malkovich.
A good deed that follows upon another is the reward for the first one, and an evil deed that follows upon another is a punishment for the first one.
I write the poems first, with only a few exceptions for odd reasons, where I'm given the illustration first.
The routers get involved in this and they know that on the path between this router and that router a certain percentage of the bandwidth is reserved to these things and a certain percentage of it is allowed on a first come first served basis.
When I'm shooting, really the audience I'm thinking the hardest about is that first test screening audience who I want to like the film and that first opening weekend audience.
I was the first person in the world to audition for 'The Hobbit'. The casting director told me that when I went in. That's a lot of pressure, isn't it? The first person in the world.
When I first heard that song, it was a ballad but it had a lot more. It felt like a gospel song when I first heard it and it just moved me.
All this will not be finished in the first one hundred days. Nor will it be finished in the first one thousand days . . .nor even perhaps in our lifetime on this planet. But let us begin.
Would I be the 3rd term of Rudy Giuliani or the 4th term of Mike Bloomberg? It'll be neither. It'll be the first term of Joe Lhota. We're all different.
[Troi is drunk] Cmdr. Deanna Troi: I'm just trying to blend in! Cmdr. William Riker: You're blended all right.
Captain Jean-Luc Picard: Reports of my assimilation have been greatly exaggerated.
Private First Class Edward Beade: [as he is dying] Fife... Fife...
Erik Lehnsherr: Excuse me, I'm Erik Lehnsherr. Professor Charles Xavier: Charles Xavier. Logan: Go fuck yourself.
Sean Cassidy: [to Erik, before jumping out of the jet] Whoa! You back right off!
Professor Charles Xavier: Something tells me you already know the answer to your question.