At first the ancient images of the Goddess did not interest me.
Then when I got to Hollywood, the first musical I did was Festival in 1977.
When I began listening to saxophones, I was first attracted to Coleman Hawkins.
At first, the tornado is nearly invisible. Against the sky, it's white on white.
I played Dorothy in 'The Wizard of Oz.' That was my first role on stage.
I created, wrote, produced, and starred in my first-ever acting gig!
'The Thing from Another World' was the first movie that really scared me.
The first condition of progress is the removal of censorship.
At first it was my brother's songwriting and I was just doing what everyone told me.
The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off.
The worst thing a man can ever do is kiss me on the first date.
Yes, and it's my third movie with Richard. American Gigolo was my first.
I am an architect, first.
Although in Abbott and Costello, and straight man was first. That's a very interesting concept.
My first occupation was to map the country.
This is a game, first and foremost. There was only one Vince Lombardi, and he died.
The first author I met socially was Joyce Cary.
Most child actors were lucky enough to get the part in the first place.
I was ten when I got my first serious beating. It was rough.
Second place is just the first place loser.
Selling eight million copies of your first album will mess you up.