As much as I liked and admired the various members of the Kennedy family, my first loyalty was to Jackie.
I first came to China as a child on a visit with my family in 1978.
I had this desire to understand Islam better and then focus on the beauty of Arabic and Islamic cultures. And one of the first things to emerge was Arabic calligraphy, which was instantly inspiring.
When I first started getting into the business, a young woman in a music game that was mostly men, I did feel inadequate.
First of all, just knowing people who grew up in the movie business at that time, no one had Mexican maids.
I stumbled into this business, I didn't train for it. I yelled 'Action!' on my first two movies before the camera was turned on.
It's easier to build a business around a first-class product, even if it's a more expensive product to produce.
Consequently many large railroad systems of heavy capitalization bid fair to run into difficulties on the first serious falling off in general business.
It is not fit the public trusts should be lodged in the hands of any, till they are first proved and found fit for the business they are to be entrusted with.
I think a simple rule of business is, if you do the things that are easier first, then you can actually make a lot of progress.
Knowledge created a new culture of business derived from the information gathering and analysis capabilities of first the mainframe and then the PC.
Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities... because it is the quality which guarantees all others.
I got into politics a little bit by chance, as a person from the first generation of the Solidarity movement.
Before the first year, nobody gave it a chance. Now, 36 years later, everybody knows Monday Night Football.
The first generation of CDs sounded terrible. Any chance to remaster would make the music sound better than what was already out there.
In 1981, I spoke at the Olympic Congress. I was scandalised that I was the first athlete to be given that chance. But I made the most of it.
I started on the use of the Internet for scientific communication. Our research group was one of the very first to make really systematic use of it as a way of managing research projects.
I think Kurosawa was one of the first storytelling geniuses who began to change the narrative structure of films.
On the way from Chicago, I spent the summer of 1947 in Ottawa, helping to build the first of a series of econometric models for the Canadian government.
At its core, the FCC's plan to regulate the Internet will force businesses and people to check first with the government and get permission to innovate.
When mankind first saw the necessity of government, it is probable that many had conceived the desire of ruling.