There are a lot of good ideas that could benefit from big media. You have a lot of companies that hit a wall and can't get beyond a certain level. They need the infrastructure and distribution of a large company.
It is not good to demonstrate your luxury and your wealth: to rub it in the faces of others is insulting. So you should be modest; try not to insult people by showing that you can do what they cannot.
Fear paralyses you - fear of flying, fear of the future, fear of leaving a rubbish marriage, fear of public speaking, or whatever it is.
The most famous rumor for me is that I had throat cancer. I never had throat cancer... I don't know why that started... The way I sing, probably.
When you're doing characters from famous novels, you have a responsibility as an actor to make it what the writer intended. And then you add and expand from there to create a three-dimensional performance.
I don't put weight on fame, and having people around me just because I am famous makes me feel really bad about myself.
I'm willing to make compromises based on someone I think is the one, but I think it's psychologically important to people when they're famous to be the only famous person they know.
I was suddenly really famous, and I didn't know how to cope. I didn't know myself well enough as a person, number one, and as an actor, number two. I wanted to escape.
Whenever someone says to my mum: 'How's your son doing?' she says: 'Which one?' If you're a parent, you're not going to go: 'Oh I'll concentrate on the famous one.'
You hear horror stories about scary mothers who just want their kids to be famous. I could be waitressing in a restaurant, and my mum would be happy as long as I was happy.
The future is open, and I never make plans. As long as it's interesting to me, I try to live my life to the fullest.
I don't want people buying my records for this summer's hit. I want people buying them because they're interested in what Ministry will have to say in the future.
I'm trying to always do new things because if you stay behind and fight the future, you are just going to be left behind.
I'd love to do a fashion label in the future. I've been thinking a lot recently about maybe making a line of little dresses, so maybe one day.
I enjoy every minute, because there are going to be a lot of moments in your future that you're going to wish you held onto longer.
Kiwis must not fall behind the standards of other countries. We pride ourselves on our quality of life. Thus we must pave the road in the right way for the future generations.
The second album of Black Mages is currently in the process of recording and the basic tracks have already been completed. Hopefully sometime in the future we will be able to have a concert.
What does the future look like if the heads of society ask our young people to risk their lives for questionable causes? I think it looks rather bleak.
My grandmother raised me. She was a real no-nonsense but very funny lady. I drove tractors, made hay, milked cows, fed the chicken, fed the pigs.
I loved 'Funny Lady' for whatever reason. People say they didn't know I could sing and dance. Well, nobody ever asks me - it's always, 'Punch this guy.'
I have so much more to go through as a young lady. But oh my God. I feel like I can do anything.