Pita: Creasy [pause] Pita: You're smiling. Creasy: What? Pita: You were smiling. Creasy: No, I'm not. Pita: You were. Creasy: No, I was not. Pita: You're not now, but you were. Creasy: No, *you* were smiling, I wasn't smiling. Pita: You were. Creasy:...
Vinny Gambini: [answering the phone] Hello? D.A. Jim Trotter: [into the phone] You did good out there today, Yankee. I like the competition. You like competition, too? Makes things kinds fun, doesn't it? Vinny Gambini: I'm enjoying myself so far. D.A...
Jack Skellington: [sung] Well, what the heck, I really did my best/And by God I really tasted something swell, that's right/And for a moment, why, I even touched the sky/And at least I left some stories they can tell, I did/And for the first time sin...
Barbara: These are those four outlines submitted by Universal for an hour series. You needn't bother to read them; I'll tell them to you. The first one is set at a large Eastern law school, presumably Harvard. The series is irresistibly entitled "The...
Rusty: Tell me this is not about her, or I am walking. I am walking off this job right now. Danny: Who? Rusty: Tess. Terry Benedict. Tell me this is not about screwing the guy who's screwing your wife. Danny: Ex-wife. Rusty: Tell me. Danny: It's not ...
Calvin "Cal" Jarrett: He just wants to know that you don't hate him. Beth Jarrett: Hate him! How could I hate him? Mothers don't hate their sons! Is that what he told you? You see how you believe everything he tells you? And you can't do the same for...
Pumpkin: The way it is now, you're taking the same risk as when you rob a bank. You take more of a risk, banks are easier. You don't even need a gun in a federal bank. I mean, they're insured, why should they give a fuck? I heard of this one guy, wal...
King: Hey, Taylor. How in the fuck you get here anyway? Why, you look educated. Chris Taylor: I volunteered for it. King: You did what? Chris Taylor: I volunteered. I dropped out of college, and told them I wanted the infantry, combat, and Vietnam. C...
[David and Howard are eating lunch at school and studying for the "Pleasantville" Trivia Competition] Howard: Okay, in the very first "Pleasantville" episode, whose window did Bud break when he was playing with his father's golf clubs? David: Easy: M...
Caroline Bingley: Miss Elizabeth, let us take a turn about the room. [Caroline takes Lizzy's arm in hers, and they walk gracefully in a circle around the room] Caroline Bingley: It's refreshing, is it not after sitting so long in one attitude? Elizab...
Elizabeth Bennet: [as she writes to Jane, Darcy suddenly enters] Mr.Darcy. [Darcy bows, Elizabeth stands and curtseys] Elizabeth Bennet: Please, do be seated. [no reponse] Elizabeth Bennet: [silence] Mr and Mrs Collins have gone to the village. Mr. D...
[first lines] Voice on radio: Men, are you over 40? When you wake up in the morning, do you feel tired and rundown? Do you have that listless feeling... [the camera pans around the courtyard; cut to later in the day] Jeff: [answering phone] Jefferies...
Oberon: You know, Marlene and Gossie's the ones running the game on you, Ray. They sliced up the pie the first night you played. Thirty-five percent off the top. Plus Gossie's double scale as leader. Ray Charles: Leader. If anyone's leadin' the band ...
Walt Disney: We can't make the picture without the color red. The film is set in London, for Pete's sake! P.L. Travers: And? Walt Disney: Well, there's buses and mailboxes and guard's uniforms and things - Heck, the English flag! P.L. Travers: I unde...
Miles Raymond: Let me show you how this is done. First thing, hold the glass up and examine the wine against the light. You're looking for color and clarity. Just, get a sense of it. OK? Uhh, thick? Thin? Watery? Syrupy? OK? Alright. Now, tip it. Wha...
Princess Fiona: [after Shrek and Donkey rescue her] The battle is won. You may remove your helmet, good Sir Knight. Shrek: Uh, no... Princess Fiona: Why not? Shrek: I... have helmet hair. Princess Fiona: Please. I would'st look upon the face of my re...
Batiatus: Marcus Licinius Crassus. Most noble radiance, first general of the Republic, father and defender of Rome, honour my house. Bless it with your presence. Wine! Sweetmeats! Can't you see that Their Honours are exhausted? Have the goodness to s...
Jöns: It's hell with women and hell without women. No matter how you reason it seems like the logic thing to do is to kill them while it's still fun. Blacksmith Plog: Bickering and swill! Jöns: Screaming babies and diapers full of piss! Blacksmith ...
Stanley Cunningham: Philadelphia is one of the oldest cities in this country. A lot of generations have lived here and died here. Almost any place you go in this city has a history and a story behind it. Even this school and the grounds it sits on. C...
Leonard 'Bones' McCoy: Permission to speak freely, sir? Spock: I welcome it. Leonard 'Bones' McCoy: Do you? OK, then. Are you out of your Vulcan mind? Are you making a logical choice, sending Kirk away? Probably. But, the right one? You know, back ho...
Kirk: Make that two. Her shot's on me. Lt. Nyota Uhura: Her shot's on her. [Turns to Kirk] Lt. Nyota Uhura: Thanks but no thanks. Kirk: Don't you at least wanna know my name before you completely reject me? Lt. Nyota Uhura: I'm fine without it. Kirk:...