Tennis is best of three sets, so even if I lose the first set, I still have a chance.
My first book was rejected nine times. It turned out to be a best seller, Battle Cry? in 1953.
I think with a lot of filmmakers, their first film is their best film because they had to think on their feet and solve problems with ingenuity.
I do not believe that friends are necessarily the people you like best, they are merely the people who got there first.
I came to New York to be an actor and I became a film producer first.
You can not be fearless without first admitting you have been afraid.
My first two novels were very black comedies.
Yves Saint Laurent was the first person who made me feel like a woman.
It's the first film that I made where the director was not present under the camera, and it threw me.
The first cities to create friction-free enterprise zones will get a lot of entrepreneurial traction.
First literature came to refer only to itself, the literary theory.
When the society missteps, it's the youth who first fall sideways.
Well, the first day we went through three songs, very basically.
He will fight a rattlesnake and give it the first two bites too.
Sometimes 'Last Resort' is the first prudent step taken by you.
The greatest form of abortion is not letting the man put it there in the first place!
I always enjoy impersonating my characters in the first-person singular.
If you want to be a doormat you have to lay yourself down first.
The first and worst of all frauds is to cheat one's self. All sin is easy after that.
I was the first Indian model to have a career in Paris, Milan and New York.
I've never been disappointed by politicians. I've never invested that much in them in the first place.