I believe very firmly that indigenous populations had a really good, intuitive understanding of why we're here. And we're trying to gain that same understanding through psychology and intellect in modern civilization.
Marriage helps young couples to raise themselves towards God. The bond of marriage unites two souls so firmly that though they are physically two separate entities, their souls are merged into one harmonious whole.
You know, film is the ultimate goal in an actor's career. I mean, I still love TV. I have my feet firmly stamped in it. But my opportunities have been bigger and better.
When I write on 'SNL,' I've found I'm most productive while collaborating and joking with friends and not being firmly attached to any one idea.
I firmly believe in what Stephen Hawking says - that if we don't get off this planet, we're going to go berserk. We have to have more space.
When you are in the valley, keep your goal firmly in view and you will get the renewed energy to continue the climb.
Know what you want to do, hold the thought firmly, and do every day what should be done, and every sunset will see you that much nearer the goal.
My personal influence in the Revolutionary Governing Council is such that the dictatorship of the proletariat is firmly established, since the masses are backing me.
Men and women believed and proclaimed God was firmly on their side – and easy and shallow assertion that reduced God to a sort of house deity.
He who is firmly seated in authority soon learns to think security, and not progress, the highest lesson in statecraft.
I firmly believe in marriage. It's a real important decision that takes a lot of dedication and time. If you're thinking about divorce. You shouldn't get married.
Let the wet earth embrace you firmly, soundly. She needs to be revived, she needs to beat like a heart full of adrenaline inside a chest.
Respect your efforts, respect yourself. Self-respect leads to self-discipline. When you have both firmly under your belt, that's real power.
I feel like I've got feet firmly in different camps. Between the right of gun ownership and public safety.
I have no hankerin’ for thrills if needs be sought in the heavens. I shall keep my feet firmly planted in contentment.
Seeing how I've held your penis in my hand, I think that puts you firmly in the not a stranger category.
You must firmly, absolutely and ruthlessly protect your safety and sanity.
We ain’t going to curse anyone,” said Granny firmly. “It hardly ever works if they don’t know you’ve done it.
Mistakes are the best teachers. One does not learn from success. It is desirable to learn vicariously from other people's failures, but it gets much more firmly seared in when they are your own.
While I believe firmly in open markets and free trade, I also believe an open market needs a level playing field.
The Mountains teach me to look up .. Rise up .. But by feats holding firmly to the ground ... My eyes gets lock on to the peaks and i win over myself there ...