Would a just God sentence a morally good individual to hell for never having heard of him? And for that matter, would a just God expel a morally good individual to hell who has heard of Jesus, but simply finds no evidentiary reason to believe? Accord...
Não vou ficar para aqui a desejar uma vida perfeita. As coisas que nos derrubam na vida são testes, e esses testes obrigam-nos a escolher entre desistir, ficar caídos no chão ou sacudir a poeira e levantarmo-nos ainda mais fortes e firmes. Eu esc...
I didn't respond well to a firm hand and insults.
Nothing' is a firm foundation of a universe construction.
Time is a firm foundation of a universe construction.
True courage is not the brutal force of vulgar heroes, but the firm resolve of virtue and reason.
Real firmness is good for anything; strut is good for nothing.
To the person with a firm purpose all men and things are servants.
If you want to say no, be firm and direct.
A leader is firm enough to be responsive to changes.
There are a lot of ethical firms on Wall Street.
Many of the best firms historically in venture capital have been multi-sector.
Catfish has a nice firm texture and mild flavor.
A moment of time is a firm foundation of a universe construction.
There is no chance, no destiny, no fate, that can circumvent or hinder or control the firm resolve of a determined soul.
To know when to be generous and when firm—that is wisdom.
The purpose firm is equal to the deed.
The president is here, strong and firm as a monkey's tail.
He who is firm in will molds the world to himself.
King George VI: We're not a family, we're a firm.
Matt Buckner: So basically, firms are gangs? Pete Dunham: Kind of... but we're a far cry from all that Bloods and Crips bullshit. I mean shootin' a machine gun out of a movin' car at an 8 year old girl, that's just cowardly. See, we might be into fig...