With studio work, I'm always the bottom man on the totem pole.
To work with children anywhere is just plain fun.
But I must say the work I'm proudest of is the Green Cross Code man.
The more my work improves or broadens or widens, the more surely I tame myself.
I don't do ordinary work. That is not me in the least.
I work too hard and don't play enough.
I wouldn't want to direct. I see how much work it is.
I try to deal with my serious reading before work.
One thing I never want to be accused of is not working.
I met the Coens here a few years ago and they said they liked my work.
I was never afraid to go back to Pittsburgh and work in the steel mills.
I'm not in the loop; I don't know any actors, really, just the ones I work with.
Where I think the most work needs to be done is behind the camera, not in front of it.
I'm very much a leader in a lot of the work that I do or that I've done in my career.
The greatest weariness comes from work not done.
If there's criticism of my work that's legitimate. I'm ready to hear of it.
I still think that if you're excited about something, you have to work at it.
I wanted to work with Bryan Singer because I like his films.
I need to work to feel well.
I work as often as I want and yet I'm free as a bird.
Executive ability is deciding quickly and getting somebody else to do the work.