Inspiration comes of working every day.
Between 9am and 3pm is when I work most intensely.
I knew Billy Wilder socially and would have loved to work with him.
The fact that people didn't know I was British did work for quite a while.
My main recollection is of the work I had to do in order to eat.
My goal is to work diligently to become the top philanthropist in the world.
I just thought I would work in a hair salon and do community theater.
I'm one of those lazy actors; I like to take what the playwright wrote and work with that.
I'm not in the type of work where you should rest.
Robert Redford was an absolute blast to work with - a very smart, very charismatic man.
My father calls acting 'a state of permanent retirement with short spurts of work.'
Miracles sometimes occur, but one has to work terribly hard for them.
Film people are coming into TV, because they can't get any work.
I'm focused on staying as healthy as I can so I can work more.
And, I wouldn't consider myself to be a natural pilot; I've had to work at it.
There is no right to work in a think tank, and these are very privileged positions.
If I eat, I can't work. I'll eat when I'm dead.
Hobby Lobby has always been a tool for the Lord's work.
The print on canvas is the closest to the original work. I personally sign them as well.
You don't have to work for a big corporation if you don't want to.
As a producer, you're pretty much creating a body of work that an artist has to stand behind.