I think relationships are work, but love is a gift.
I drive myself to and from work. I love the privacy.
I never did love Hollywood, I just loved the work.
Don't you find that work, if you love it, is actually really invigorating?
I would love to work with Jack White or Kanye West.
I'd love to see more women working as directors and producers.
I would love to work with Matt Damon.
I'd love to live in Kent but it's all a question of work.
I do love acting. But to work as a photojournalist would have been extraordinary.
When I'm not working, I don't do lots of glamorous things.
There is a time for work, and a time for love. That leaves no other time.
I'm not into working out. My philosophy: No pain, no pain.
If I'm not working, I have a habit of becoming rather insular.
I've worked Keira Knightley quite a bit and Kevin Costner.
I actually like the collaboration of working with different artists.
I have worked with several dance companies.
I won't do something just for the sake of working.
I worked with Rocky Graziano and Rocky was certainly a character.
It's about working when nobody's watching.
The way you wor life works for you
The Universe is worked and guided from within outwards.