Be able to back up a car for a considerable distance in a straight line and back out of a driveway.
I guess I learnt to appreciate old Hindi-movie music from my dad and somewhere down the line picked up jazz as well.
Life and death are one thread, the same line viewed from different sides.
A truly vibrant and creative culture depends on a system of education which is not divided along class and sectarian lines.
There's the great line: the definition of a liberal is someone who's afraid to take their own side in a fight. And that's my problem with my fellow liberals.
Storytelling is storytelling. Good stories need compelling characters and interesting conflicts. That's the bottom line no matter what medium you're writing for.
But you know, I have a pretty good relationship with the press and the paparazzi. It's just when they step over the line that, you know, enough's enough.
You need to become a good listener. As you're working, you hear someone else's lines and how you absorb them becomes your acting.
Respecting other people's cultures is well and good, but I draw the line at where some branches of Islam, what they do to women. It's indefensible.
We humans are really good at forming groups to compete, and then dissolving the groups and reforming them along different lines to compete in a different way.
I got a lot from my uncle who is a really good ska guitarist. Very ragged makeshift rhythms and intricate lines.
The basic line in any good verse is cadenced... building it around the natural breath structures of speech.
Someone has to stay on the line and say, no, we can do this by cutting spending and reducing the size of government. That's what I was committed to doing.
The bottom line in the Christian life is obedience and most people don't even like the word.
A little tantrum in real life seems so much bigger online.
I write about the trials and triumphs of contemporary life - and often the readers see themselves between the lines of the story.
In '75, the year both A Chorus Line and Chicago hit Broadway, my head spun around and I became the ultimate theater queen for life.
Actors take risks all the time. We put ourselves on the line. It is creative to be able to interpret someone's words and breathe life into them.
Like life, peace begins with women. We are the first to forge lines of alliance and collaboration across conflict divides.
I support legal immigration. I don't support amnesty because it is not fair to people standing in line at consulates around the world.
I'd love to go to fashion week! I'm learning more about designers, thanks to 'Pretty Little Liars' costume designer, Mandi Line.