I saw the last piece of innocence unfurl inside of her. -Nick Plato (from the story Platonick)
Dragons and Cicadas: The Society On Da RunDeath, only death, can break the lasting chain; And here, ev'n then, shall my cold dust remain
Eloisa to AbelardWhat's next? You want to convince me they're making another crap Last Airbender movie?
The Evil We LoveYou're beautiful to me, Jamie,” I said softly, at last. “So beautiful, you break my heart.
The Fiery CrossAnd then I know I'm being a man, not just some kid who's upset and wants it his way.
The First Part LastAs I pen these words to leave a lasting record, I wonder myself where it all began.
Ghosts I Have BeenHorror is a feeling that cannot last long; human nature is incapable of supporting it.
The Golden Age of Science FictionScoot over, man. I don't like you that much." "Dick. That's not what you said last night." "Bite me.
Glass Houses