Book reviewing dates only to the eighteenth century, when, for the first time, there were so many books being printed that magazines - they were new, too - started printing essays about them.
In 1986 we were trying to help women get in print, stay in print, and come to the attention of booksellers and libraries. At that time, books by men mystery writers were reviewed seven times as often as books by women.
Is a newspaper prints a sex crime, it's smut, but when The New York Times prints it, it's a sociological study. [Adolph S. Ochs - Publisher New York Times]
My goal is to make fine art, and fine art comes from the soul. If you have virtuosity and facility, you can take and create something of significance.
The trouble is, depression doesn't come with handy symptoms like spots and a temperature, so you don't realize it at first. You keep saying “I'm fine” to people when you're not fine. You think you SHOULD be fine. You keep saying to yourself: “W...
There is a fine line between serendipity and stalking.
The fine line that you do when you do political comedy is, as long as you have that laugh, you're fine.
There's a very fine line between a groove and a rut; a fine line between eccentrics and people who are just plain nuts.
Originality is the fine art of remembering what you hear but forgetting where you heard it.
The party at the bar was for an Internet literary journal that prints a hard copy version that was famous in the world of Internet literary journals that prints hard copy versions. What that means, I do not know.
Mass production keeps the world divided between consumer and producer. Demassification of production may hasten the speed towards an era of prosumers.
The print does not always have the same shape as the body that impressed it, and it doesn't always derive from the pressure of a body. At times it reproduces the impression a body has left in our mind: it is the print of an idea.
With the development of the printing press, not only could text be mass-produced quickly, it could also be mass-produced quickly and incorrectly.
The Protestant Reformation had a lot to do with the printing press, where Martin Luther's theses were reproduced about 250,000 times, and so you had widespread dissemination of ideas that hadn't circulated in the mainstream before.
It's pointless to talk to Fed members about economics because they are academics who believe in money-printing. Some of them believe they didn't print enough, and so with these kinds of people, it is like running to the pope. What do you want to tell...
The print magazine and print journalism industry is obviously in a great deal of trouble, and one of the things that happened when this business started to give way to the Internet and to broadcast television is that a lot of organizations started cu...
There's an obvious marketing component to doing something digitally where you're reaching out to new readers that you can't do in the existing print marketplace, or that it's difficult to do in the existing print marketplace.
There's a jean for everyone. And I'm a fan of that. I love a jean, and I love all these spins on them. I love a printed Balmain jean, or a Givenchy, and I love the prints, I love that you can have so much fun with it all, you know, dressing up.
We must sober up and admit that too many of the Republicans and the Democrats have played us, lied to us and stolen from us, while the getaway car was driven by the media. A media that can no longer claim with a straight face the role of journalist. ...
I think that the status that you have in life should be reflected in official documents. If you are married, fine, if you are living with someone, fine, if you are single, fine. We don't want to tell people how to live their lives.
It is the eye of other people that ruin us. If I were blind I would want, neither fine clothes, fine houses or fine furniture.