I consider it essential that the photographer should do his own printing and enlarging. The final effect of the finished print depends so much on these operations.
This is the cusp of an age at least as exciting and as brimful of potential as the early days of the printing press.
Edward D. Wood, Jr.: [after Thor Johnson bumps into a scenery wall while walking through a door making the wall shudder] Ok, and CUT! PERFECT! PRINT IT! Cameraman Bill: Don't you wanna do another take Ed? Seems like big baldy had some problems gettin...
I would begin by collecting lithographs and etchings. It's a way of coming in and benefiting from real quality art. Even younger artists make wonderful prints. Prints can become very valuable. That's how I began collecting.
Sake The jewel which brightly shines at night Is precious, but cannot measure up To the delights of drinking sake, Drowning one's troubles in the cup. Otomo no Tabito
There will always be detours in the fascinating game called life. Find the path to your heart’s desires, and stay on course.
There is - you know, there's receipts for rented cars and license plates and guns and hand prints and palm prints and fingerprints. You know, I want to wait until I'm in a court.
One of the reasons I started Tzadik, which is my own label, is to keep things in print. I got tired of labels dropping things out of print when they don't sell.
I need words and print... I need print like an addict. I could live without it, perhaps. But I hope I never have to try.
We print money. The people that print the money is actually us. The government of the United States of America. By its very nature, we control that, and this system is there as representation of us.
China's history is marked by thousands of years of world-changing innovations: from the compass and gunpowder to acupuncture and the printing press. No one should be surprised that China has re-emerged as an economic superpower.
I asked my publisher what would happen if he sold all the copies of my book he'd printed. He said "I'll just print another ten.
I highlight everything I find interesting, and then type out everything I've highlighted, and then print out everything I've typed, and reread these printed notes as often as possible.
If all printers were determined not to print anything till they were sure it would offend nobody, there would be very little printed.
Herbie Stemple: [referring to television] That box is the biggest thing since Gutenberg invented the printing press, and I'm the biggest thing on it.
For too long the world has failed to recognise that the Olympic Games and the Olympic Movement are about fine athletics and fine art.
An Elegy A thousand times must we deplore The lost will never come to life again; Even as flowing water runs away, Returning nevermore. Lady Kanin
Fortunately the Omanis are generally very friendly and in no time at all, I had a knight in shining white dishdasha offering to help me.
Would the Protestant Reformation have happened without the printing press? Would the American Revolution have happened without pamphlets? Probably not. But neither printing presses nor pamphlets were the heroes of reform and revolution.
Leopard print has been my thing forever! When I was a teenager my entire room was done in leopard print - it's timeless, chic, and always in style. When in doubt... leopard!
When I found the book was condemned as soon as the book was printed, or rather as soon as it was set up ready to print, I held it in plates for a year nearly, waiting to see what would come out of all this discussion.