I find most children quite inspiring.
When I have my moments of insomnia, you'll find me on style.com.
You'll never find your gold on a sandy beach.
I was surprised to find that I missed doing the musical.
It's always a pleasure to find something that matters.
What is the finding of love, but a voice answering a voice?
In your love I dive to find the nectar of life.
You find peace not by creating but by giving.
You find peace not by looking but by giving.
I find Jesse Jackson to be religiously, progressively old fashioned.
I find love from time to time.
It's so difficult to find time besides the tennis.
One finds the truth by making a hypothesis and comparing observations with the hypothesis.
I find most men don't like a lot of makeup.
I find the reality of our emotional lives interesting.
He who seeks beauty will find it.
Don't try to find the truth. Create it.
Be as good as you can be, there you will find happiness.
Knowing comes from learning, finding from seeking.
Wisdom finds its literary expression in wisdom literature.
If your boss asks you to do a task... You'll stay late for work to make sure it's done. You'll be confident that your boss wouldn't have asked you if he/she didn't trust that you could do it. You wouldn't allow anyone or anything to distract you. No ...