You learn more about yourself through your child, I guess.
You Must not keep the light for yourself, but share it with others to come.
You have to prepare yourself physically as much as possible for a bad wipeout.
Believing in yourself is your first step to success.
The ability to delude yourself may be an important survival tool.
Prepare yourself for success. You have to see it coming to get there.
The goal is to learn to be nurturing with yourself so you can feel free.
You're always with yourself, so you might as well enjoy the company.
You always have to challenge yourself or else you get soft. Right?
You have to liberate yourself first from the prejudices of the world in which you live.
If you dare to dream you can create yourself again and again.
Writing is a process of creating yourself again and again for an ever-searching mind.
Your mind is a mirror and you see yourself in it again and again.
Make life as a lifelong love affair with yourself.
When you trust yourself, everyone around you will trust you, too.
Win over the fear and adversity and prove yourself wrong.
If you want to change the world, first change yourself.
You become lucky when you prepare yourself for the opportunity.
You have to learn how to take care of yourself.
Ask yourself why a red carpet is red. It could be any colour.
you only fail soon as you start to doubt yourself