In addition to having a good partnership with a good doctor, you have to do some of the work yourself. Go online, read about it, and find out what you can tolerate.
When you meditate or pray... both are forms of meditation... you give up control and find the answer and you open yourself to receive God's gift, the universal force, or whatever that is.
Life is to be lived. If you have to support yourself, you had bloody well better find some way that is going to be interesting. And you don't do that by sitting around.
I feel the older I get, the more I'm learning to handle life. Being on this quest for a long time, it's all about finding yourself.
Find a type of exercise that you love - whether it's dance, soccer, softball, anything - just as long as it keeps you active. If you love it, you'll dedicate yourself to it and stay involved.
When you really want to find the answers to the great questions of your life, you need to look for them deep in yourself.
What happens with every role, you have to trick yourself, you have to creatively find ways to explore the mental state of your character.
Precisely at the point when you begin to develop a conscience you must find yourself at war with your society.
I think you travel to search and you come back home to find yourself there.
I will say, as a woman, when you put a mustache on, you find out a lot of things about yourself.
For lack of a better word, acting is therapeutic. You really are breaking down barriers, exorcising demons and finding more out about yourself.
Find the window of unconditional love in your heart and liberate yourself from the prison of judgemental and conforming thoughts.
Sometimes you can find peace of mind by transferring yourself to different situations. They're just reminders to stay... calm.
I think you can find yourself on one of these shows for a long period of time and think that all you'll ever be able to do is that character. Certainly people think of you that way.
You find yourself in the world, without any power, immovable as a rock, stupid, so to speak, as a log of wood.
If you're honest with yourself, you're going to find out whether you truly love America, or whether your primary allegiance is to the Republican party.
The first step toward success is taken when you refuse to be a captive of the environment in which you first find yourself.
In a sacred ground like marriage, you find yourself out of it at certain times for reasons unknown that can be destructive. There could be a demon that kind of comes out and overtakes you.
When you do a slasher film, you find yourself repeating the same kind of scene, then it becomes not very challenging and not very interesting.
You can only give yourself a chance to find right things when you stop chasing wrong things.
Find the light. Reach for it. Live for it. Pull yourself up by it. Gratitude always makes for straighter, taller trees.