The film industry is about saying 'no' to people, and inherently you cannot take 'no' for an answer.
The will to survive is not as important as the will to prevail... the answer to criminal aggression is retaliation.
I was asking Charlie the most important questions, and you heard the answers.
Always the beautiful answer who asks a more beautiful question.
Fundamentally, the answers to our challenges in healthcare relies in engaging and empowering the individual.
Has someone or something pushed your anxiety button? Answer it with prayer!
Heaven is full of answers for which nobody ever bothered to ask.
The curse of a journalist is that he always has more questions than answers.
I don't even like hearing my own voice on an answering machine.
There are questions I'm still not wise enough to answer, just wise enough to no longer ask.
We do not need answers or formulas to minister in crisis.
Anytime someone has said to me, 'You can't do that,' I have answered, 'Watch me.'
If you get NO as an answer, remember, N.O means "Next Opportunity".
My mama told me it's not what they call you - it's what you answer to.
When Millennials face turmoil, they don’t just need answers from God, they need God.
I had this habit of an academic of answering the question. I should have fobbed it off.
Don't use the phone. People are never ready to answer it. Use poetry.
It's time Hawaii answer doubters and produce documents proving that it is a state. What are they hiding? And why haven't we seen these documents?
Hrundi V. Bakshi: [answering telephone] This is 469-6151. Please remain connected to the telephone.
Tom Hedden: I'll have an answer, or I'll have blood!
When people feel a certain religion claims to have all the answers, that's what turns them off.