Before she knew it, she was just another set of eyes in a dusty attic, waiting for the stairs to creak.
I had a dream about you last night… it was raining and you were fishing for fire to set a sandcastle a flame.
The spiritual life of any congregation and its growth in grace will never exceed the high-water mark set by its pulpit.
Some things are so silly they have a certain brilliance to them. Other things, set as standards for brilliance and therefore exalted by many who don't know why, become tarnished because of it.
Women don't realize how much store men set on the regularity of their habits. We absorb their comings and goings into our bodies, their rhythms into our bones.
Writing is like breathing underwater. It's really hard to do unless you can imagine yourself a nice set of gills.
Mindfulness helps us to set boundaries by revealing what makes us unhappy & what brings us peace.
Let your hair loose, and enjoy the breeze. Go out into the woods and sit under trees, Do whatever it takes and set your mind at ease.
Put McCall and I together and nothing can stop us." ... That's what he wanted. A woman to stand by him and conquer whatever they set their mind to.
As long as you know 'to let' means to rent and not a place to pee, you’re all set to travel in the UK. The lifts and the boots and everything else don’t really matter.
They will set aside what they have believed about the world, divesting themselves of all preconceptions, all judgments.... They will do it, then they will send their minds out to seek the truth.
...actors today think that being true is being nice, or being some other "set" thing. That is not the truth. That is your miserable habit of boring everybody to death.
Caddy got the box and set it on the floor and opened it. It was full of stars. When I was still, they were still. When I moved, they glinted and sparkled. I hushed.
The challenge is trying to set people free, and help them be 'successful' in the world, which are almost always opposite objectives.
It was an unforgettable painting; it set a dense golden halo of light round the most trivial of moments, so that the moment, and all such moments, could never be completely trivial again.
Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms—to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.
You go on. You set one foot in front of the other, and if a thin voice cries out, somewhere behind you, you pretend not to hear, and keep going.
Only sometimes when we pick and choose among the rules we discover later that we have set aside something precious in the process.
What all good teachers have in common, however, is that they set high standards for their students and do not settle for anything less.
I think the devil will not have me damned, lest the oil that's in me should set hell on fire.
The whole point of straws, I had thought, was that you did not have to set down the slice of pizza to suck a dose of Coke while reading a paperback.